Tell Congress to Fund the Burma Act

Tell them to keep their promise to the people of Myanmar

The U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward on its budget bills for the Fiscal Year 2025.  This includes the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations budget that provides key funding for Burma’s democracy movement in its struggle against the Myanmar military junta. This week, please weigh in early with your Members of Congress and demand that they fully fund Myanmar’s democracy movement.

Click this link to tell your Members of Congress to fully fund the Burmese democracy movement

At present, the House of Representatives and the Senate are producing their own version of the FY24 SFOPS appropriations bill.

Already, a group of 18 Members of Congress led by our champion, Rep. Gregory Meeks, have called for the House to appropriate $490 million for Burma and Rohingya-related programs. That would include increased support for both Burma-related programs and for Rohingya refugees through USAID.

Please take action today to tell your Members of Congress to ensure that the FY25 SFOPS appropriations bill fully funds Burma-related programs

Please follow up your message with emails, phone calls, and meetings to the staff of your U.S. senators and representative.

Follow up #1: send a direct email

First find out who is your U.S. House Member and then use our online list of key staffers in each House and Senate office.

Click here to enter your zip code and find your House Member

Click here to find the staff of your Members of Congress: Senate and House

for your email, you may wish to use a succinct and direct subject line such as: “Support full funding for Burma-related programs for Fiscal Year 2025”

Start your message with a mention of where you live in the state. Feel free to include a sentence or two on why you care about human rights and Myanmar in particular. Please use or adapt the following text in your email. Please blind copy (bcc) us on your email at [email protected].

I ask that you support full funding for Burma-related programs in the Fiscal Year 2025 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill.

At present, the House of Representatives and the Senate are producing their own version of the FY24 SFOPS appropriations bill.

Please write back and tell me if you support full funding for Burma-related programs in the Fiscal Year 2025 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill. Thank you.

Follow up #2: make a phone call

  • Click here to find the staff of your Members of Congress: Senate and House
  • When you reach their office, ask to be connected directly to the staffer, either in person on their voicemail.
  • Simply tell the staffer – in person or on their voicemail – that you want your senator or representative to support full funding for Burma-related programs in the Fiscal Year 2025 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriations bill.
  • Leave your name, number, and city of residence to indicate that you live in the state.
  • Email us at [email protected] and tell us how your calls went.

Follow up #3: meet your Members of Congress in person or by video

We’re seeking one or more people in each state and House district. We would work with you to set up a video or in-person meeting with the staff of your House Member or senators. We’d also prepare you beforehand with talking points. The goal is to let you – voters from the district – lobby your Members of Congress effectively.

We have been impressed at how many people have already contacted us to meet their Members of Congress. Nothing has more impact on Congress than the voice of voters from the district. If you wish to organize or just participate in a meeting with staffers of your Members of Congress, just email us at [email protected]

Just one meeting, email, or phone call from a constituent can make a difference. Your Members of Congress need to know that you want Congress to act. The people of Myanmar can’t wait any longer.